Dear Parents,
Good Morning! I can't believe that Saturday was the first day of Fall! Thank you to everyone who attended the Family Picnic. It was so much fun and the weather was perfect!! Thank you to Filomena LoRusso and Angela DeMelo and the 3rd grade parents for planning such a great afternoon. Don't forget there is no school tomorrow due to a Teacher Conference.
This past Thursday one of our students was the Student Speaker for The 31st Annual Dinner for Westchester Catholic School. Natalie Silva did a phenomenal job speaking about what Catholic school means to her. We are very proud of her.
Thank you so much for joining us as we Go Orange for Hunger Action Month! Our food basket is overflowing with orange food!! We will be collecting food through this Friday. Don't forget this Friday is Transfiguration School’s first “Charity Dress Down”. Show your support by wearing ORANGE! The suggested donation to dress down is $2.00 per student. The teachers are unable to make change in the classrooms, so please send the exact amount or a larger amount that you are comfortable with. This is an optional fundraiser and children may wear their school uniform if they do not wish to participate.
Have a great week,
Ms. Kazan